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Walking On The Beach – Psalm139:17-18 (Chinese/English)

Psalm 139:17-18-How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand.I awake, and I am still with you. 诗篇 139:17-18 神啊,你的思想对我来说是何等宝贵! 它们的总和是多么巨大! 如果我数一数,它们不仅仅是沙子。 我醒了,我还和你在一起。   Walking on the beach – My hometown of Morecambe back in ...

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Answering God’s Call No Matter Your Age: An Interview

Geraldine W. is a Chaplain for six nursing homes in Monmouth Country NJ. She has graciously accepted an invitation to be interviewed by phone after my cousin mentioned how much she helped her during her dad’s illness. She is semi-retired as of this writing, but still feels prompted to help ...

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When God Laughs


In Russia last year, Alexander Kudryavtsev, head of a prestigious genetics institute, was fired for stating that he believed that man lived to be over 900 years and more before the flood. The reason for shortened lives after that was because of original, ancestral, and personal sins,’ causing genetic diseases.” ...

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