A friend of mine use sleeping as a stress reliever. Whenever she’s faced with any difficult situation, she sleeps. Afterwards, she feels she’s ready to take on the world. For my sister, sleeping is a hobby. All her spare time is spent in la-la-land. How she does it, I don’t ...
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Orthodox Iconographer: The Holy Icon Depicts Heavenly Realities and Transfigured Persons
In the United States approximately 75%-80% of the population calls themselves Christian. Out of that large group, only 1% is part of an Orthodox Church (OC). There are a variety of types of Orthodoxy. They generally come from Greece, Russia, or various eastern European countries. Worldwide, the OC numbers about ...
Read More »Never Too Old To Set New Records In Golf
Have you ever had a hole-in-one? I haven’t, and I have played golf in three countries, undersea, and in outer space. Actually, I am talking here about playing golf on my cell phone. I have yet to get my angle and distance just right so that I can find out ...
Read More »Before you decide on that “Christian” college
“I’m nervous now when teens tell me they’ll be attending a Christian college,” a youth pastor recently told me. His statement was part of a discussion that confirmed the trend I’d observed with youth with whom I’ve kept in touch through the post-college years: many are walking away from their ...
It has been said, “After great love comes great grief” (Betty J. Carmack, 2003) Does it ever end? You wake up and the reality hits you, it DID happen. You try to, or just long to, run from it. Just run! Yet you can’t run fast enough. It’s like ...
Read More »The Lion That Provides Spiritually
Lions are known as the kings of the jungle. This title is mostly attributed to their strength and powerful demeanor. In addition, like a king, they too maintain order and demand control. Husbands are often viewed as the kings/lions of the home–or as the “Bread-winners.” This means they should provide, ...
Read More »I Don’t Want To Change My Lifestyle!
Fear. Uncertainty of what the future may hold. Pride. All are ways that the spirits of darkness hold us back from our heart’s desire to change. “What will they think of me?…I’ve been this way for so long…They’ll think I’m crazy, gone off the deep end… They might even call ...
Read More »The Duggar Family Chimes In: How Soon Is “Too Soon” to Share Your Pregnancy News?
Between two highly publicized weddings and the controversy surrounding their stance on homosexuality, the conservative Christian stars of TLC’s reality show 19 Kids and Counting have made some prominent headlines this year. More recently is the latest Duggar pregnancies. Jill Duggar (Dillard), the family’s fourth child, married Derick Dillard, 25, ...
Read More »Your Light Has Come
Before docking ports were built, seafarers were guided by blazing fires on hilltops. Since raising flames higher would improve visibility, men began placing burning contents on taller platforms. As a result, these early implementations ushered in the development of lighthouses. In antiquity, the towered beam functioned both as entrance markers ...
Read More »Sea Salt – the Natural Choice
Are you worth your weight in salt? In the Middle Ages, it was known as “White Gold.” In the first century, Roman soldiers were paid a salarium (Latin for “salt” and from which we get the word “salary”). Salt has been used since Old Testament times as a preservative, a ...
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