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P.P. Disease

(Part One) Being a People-Pleaser is a dangerous disease that has the power to infect your decisions, cripple your needs, and poison your potentials. It has the tendency to suck you dry of self, leaving only the husk of true identity. Here are the signs and symptoms to watch out ...

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Fleeing From Fear

The creeper came back to haunt me the moment they backed out of the drive. It reared its ugly head right into my face and my stomach began to churn. What if they don’t come back? “Lord, keep them safe. Please bring them back home.” My sincere prayer was heard ...

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Does God Ever Change?

‘Every good gift comes from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like drifting shadows.’ James 1:17 It is a comforting thought…that God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He will react to every like situation in the same way. He will never change His ...

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Cigarette Butts at the Gas Station

Cigarette Butts at the Gas Station By Joel B. Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. So, I was at the Shell gas station today, and what do ...

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The Truth of Bill O’Reilly

The Truth of Bill O’Reilly By John Livingston Clark He is always looking out for us. With so many celebrities speaking out against Christianity, blaspheming God, and seeking to destroy our crosses, he is a breath of fresh air. The familiar face on Fox News is a graduate of Harvard ...

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Dead to the World

My pastor’s voice rang out with passion this Easter Sunday asking us a question that God was burning in his heart. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” His reference was from Luke. Luke 24 to be exact. Here the women had gotten up early in the morning ...

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Loving the Unlovables

She walked up to him with loving eyes and a big smile as she leaned over and presented him with a gift basket filled with goodies. The shiny gold and white balloons that were attached to it bobbed in the wind. “Happy Easter!” He looked up at her in bewilderment ...

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