Classic Layout

Which Disciple Are You?

I was on a Christian forum the other day when the question arose, “Who is your favorite disciple?” To be honest, I’d never really thought about it. I can’t say that I’ve ever had a favorite disciple, but the question caused me to start thinking about it. Very soon, though, ...

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Sin Remedies: Do They Work?

“Cocaine Toothache Drops,”  “Cigares de Joy Cure Asthma,” Dr. Scott’s Electric Hair Brush—“hope for the bald.” In days of old, medicine was more often harm than cure. Imagine cocaine used to cure toothaches—even in children, or smoking cigars as a cure for asthma! Imagine using a hairbrush with a small ...

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Jesus-The Preacher

Most people perceive Jesus as a meek, gentle preacher of the gospel in ancient Israel. But this is simply not true. He was passionate about preaching the Kingdom of God to all creation. He brought a new message to the world that the Kingdom of God was alive and well. ...

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Real and Precious Treasure

 “The kingdom of heaven is like a [very precious] treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again; then in his joy he goes and sells all he has and buys that field [securing the treasure for himself]. Matthew 13:44 The record book is old and faded, the pages yellowed. ...

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God’s Watchful Eye Over Your Loved Ones

Do you have loved ones living a long ways away? Perhaps you have a college student thousands of miles from home. Maybe an elderly parent is living alone. I have a young single son living out of town. Whatever your situation might be, you probably worry about them at times, ...

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Tales Surrounding the Tomb

Imagine you are among the multitude gathered around the tomb of Jesus. Sobs fill the air as many mourn the loss of their dearest Friend. Some whisper to others, sharing their memories and their grief. Yes, I’m sure there were many tales surrounding the tomb. Mary, the mother of Jesus ...

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