Part of the required reading throughout every public and private high school throughout the country should include the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, as well as a lesser-known Book called Sirach. (Sirach is an inter-testamental book written around 175 BC which Catholic and Orthodox churches deem as canonical but Protestants include ...
Read More »Classic Layout
Living After Death
Yesterday marked the beginning of fall. This signal’s the ending of September and the beginning of October, followed by turkey month. But before thanksgiving comes Halloween. Yes, Halloween; the celebration of the dead. Typical Halloween festivities include hosting or attending costumes parties, playing trick-or-treat, visiting haunted houses, watching scary ...
Read More »Are You Lonely?
If you are struggling with loneliness, you’re not alone. Wikipedia defines loneliness as a complex and unusually unpleasant response to isolation or lack of companionship. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connectedness or commonalty with other people. As such, loneliness can be felt even when surrounded by ...
Read More »The God Assignment
My God-assignment for the day: substitute teacher, country school, third grade room. The kids were good and that made my day easier. But there was one little guy that just didn’t seem to be able to keep focused on his work. I noticed him repeatedly gazing out the window with ...
Read More »The Wisdom That Matters
‘The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.’ Proverbs 14:1 (NIV) Oh my, there are days where I am just so sure I am that foolish woman! Surely I can do justice to the vision of that lady! But none of us ...
Read More »Showing Our Pets The Love They Deserve
Showing Our Pets The Love They Deserve By Joel B. Friends, many of us own pets and with pet ownership comes a great responsibility. Pets are limited in their ability to take care of themselves. They depend on us to feed, water, and give them attention. If any of these ...
Read More »Role Models Can Warm Your Heart
Who comes to mind when you think of a role model? For some people it is a sports figure or a good samaritan. It might be a person who went from rags to riches. Hopefully, it is someone you look up to after whom you can pattern your life. Students ...
Read More »Breaking Through with Jesus-Music
Despite its limited exposure on the mainstream front, “Jesus-Music”, as it has been coined, is connecting with the new millennium children.
Read More »God’s Sense Of Humor
God’s Sense Of Humor By Joel B. I’m sure many of you have heard the old question and answer: Q: How do you know God has a sense of humor? A: Well, He created the platypus! The platypus is certainly an odd animal and I don’t claim to know two ...
Read More »Faith in the Deep
Hillsong United; a spirit led group that has the anointing of God all over it. This is confirmed in the songs they sing. As written on their website,, the Australian band’s mission is “To create songs that will awaken both individuals and churches to the fact that we’re redeemed ...
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