TimeLine Layout

April, 2014

  • 1 April

    The Lord Blessed Him

    Psalm 115:14” May the LORD give you increase more and more, you and your children. The Bible is full of examples of God increasing his children in supernatural ways. Genesis 26:12-13 “Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him. The ...

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  • 1 April

    Deaf Woman Hears for the First Time

    Deaf Woman Hears for the First Time By H.W. Bass Video has circulated all over the Internet of  Joanne Milne of Gateshead in the U.K., who has been deaf since birth, at the moment when she hears for the first time. This is a beautiful image of someone who is ...

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  • 1 April

    Taking on Television and Movies

    Taking on Television and Movies By Joel B. Matthew 15:10-11 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 1 John 2:15:16 Love not the ...

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  • 1 April

    Parenting the Way They Should Go

    Parenting the Way They Should Go By Renee His small five-year-old hand lay gently in mine as we walked back to the van.  His beautiful boyish grin beaming from ear to ear as the puddle edged into view. “Mom, can I please do a huge jump?” I knew all to ...

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March, 2014

  • 31 March

    The Fire flames over the great debate: Christian Bands Crossing Over

    Jesus said that we should rejoice because he has overcome the world. He also tells us that by our faith we overcome the world. So, does this mean that by faith Christian bands called to serve Jesus in Christian music should crossover into the mainstream music scene? Here are some ...

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  • 31 March

    My Faith in God

    My Faith In God By H.W. Faith With life there comes happiness and pain Some days the sun shines or it rains Each day is a challenge from within I pray and I ask God to forgive me for my sins Although I question my life ups and downs I ...

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  • 31 March

    Billy Graham and the “Jesus Film”

    Billy Graham and the “Jesus Film” By John Livingston Clark Dr. Billy Graham was presented with the Gold Medallion Award in association with the “Jesus Film.” This special recognition became lost in the flurry of advertising being given to “Son of God.” He was given this award by the Jesus ...

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  • 31 March

    On the Road to Change

    On the Road to Change By Renee Saul was a man of the world.  He did not walk with God.  He did not talk to God.  Instead, he chased after God’s people, torturing whoever got in his way until one day, God spoke to him. “Saul! Why do you harass ...

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  • 30 March

    Taking a Stand

    Taking a Stand By Joel B. 1 Cor 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils. To me this is one of the scariest verses in the Holy Bible. Why? ...

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  • 30 March

    The Sensitive Issue of Homosexuality

    This is a response to an article published by Yahoo News and The Daily Beast about Christians and the issue of homosexuality. I do not usually get involved with politics and I am not a religious-conservative. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I believe in God’s laws. The ...

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