TimeLine Layout

March, 2014

  • 20 March

    Gun Control and God

    By H.W. Bass Every person who is carrying an assault rifle down the street or carrying their Desert Eagle .50 caliber into a coffee shop believes they have a right to do so under the Constitution. However, many of those people don’t realize that their free will comes at a ...

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  • 20 March

    Keeping Children Safe: Home School or Public School?

    By H.W. Bass Some people homeschool their children because they think public schools are a Godless place. Other people send their children to public school so they can wake up to the reality of the real world. Both of these reasonings are wrong. Yes, public schools may be “Godless”, but ...

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  • 20 March

    “Joshua” Movie Review

    This is one of my all-time favorites. This 2002 movie “Joshua” is a definite winner on my list. It is sealed approved by the Dove Foundation Family. An excellent author, Joseph Girzone, wrote the novel “Joshua.”  The Joshua series included about 8 books. Joshua (played by Tony Goldwyn) is a ...

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  • 19 March

    The Name of Jesus

    Proverbs tells us that the Lord’s name is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and are safe.   Imagine Jesus’ name being so powerful that we can run into it and be safe from the world, our enemies and the storms of life.  Every knee shall bow and ...

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  • 19 March

    We are His Royal Children

    Did you know Christians are going to receive crowns from our Lord?  When Jesus returns—He will give us the Crown of Life and the Crown of Righteousness. These crowns are rewards to look forward to when we go to heaven. The best thing about our crowns is that we will ...

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  • 18 March

    The Bible in the 21st Century

    God commanded in Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” The Lord told Joshua to obey this word a very ...

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  • 17 March

    Jesus Christ: Our Eternal Flame of Hope

    Thousands of years ago, David the Patriarch Psalmist, envisioned the coming of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world; when he penned these inspiring words found  in Psalm 62:5“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”  What was David meditating on when the Spirit of God wrote ...

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  • 17 March

    “Son of God” Helps Low Income Families

    “Son of God” Helps Low Income Families BY John Livingston Clark Sometimes what goes on behind the scenes is more significant than what is being watched on the screen. This is certainly the case with the “Son of God.” Even though it has been controversial, the actions of a few ...

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  • 17 March

    Just a Girl and Her Heart

      Just a Girl and Her Heart By Renee G. The other day as I was hanging out with a few moms from church, I sat watching some of our kids play, and I started thinking what life might have been like for Mary.  Do you think that the other ...

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  • 17 March

    It’s Just a Box Right?

    It’s Just a Box Right? By Renee G. Two little buzz words, “Noah’s Ark”, are heating up Hollywood and the Evangelical Christian world these days as Paramount Pictures releases “Noah”-a biblically inspired film on the life and times of Noah. Inspired is the key word here, but instead of arguing ...

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