3D movies have become such a popular trend in the American film industry. As if seeing something on a flat screen is not enough, moviemakers plus technology have made so many advancements in the way that an original 3D movie is seen. It’s as if the viewers cannot get enough ...
Read More »6 Sure Ways to Reduce Food Waste (Part II)
In last week’s article, “What Would Jesus Do about Food Waste?” we saw Jesus instructing His disciples to pick up the leftover fish and bread so nothing gets wasted (John 6:12). When it came to securing and using every drop of food in Bible days, everyone was on board. There ...
Read More »Teen Girls: Your Power Is Knowing the Truth
A girl begins life with one wing when her father is not involved to give her the care she needs. If he does not show love for his daughter, affirm her beauty, and guide her, she will by default, look elsewhere. She will turn her hopeful eyes and starved ears ...
Read More »Parents Campaign for New Line of Dolls that Celebrate Kids with Disabilities
Parents around the globe are campaigning for a line of dolls that reflect the 150 million children who live with a disability.[1] The movement is called a “Toy Like Me” campaign and has created quite the buzz on social media outlets. Put a trio of determined moms in a room ...
Read More »How Concerned Should We Be About GMO’s?
What exactly are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)? Are they safe enough to ingest? A genetically modified organism is defined as one whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (genetic material that has been manipulated in a laboratory). It’s basically taking genes from one species and forcing them ...
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