Chipping Through Writer’s Block

Chipping Through Writer’s Block By Joel B. Exodus 4:11-12 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach ...

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Heart Issues – God’s Specialty (Ps. 51:10)

Imagine this conversation between Father God and one of His children: *Bring your heart to me, Child.  I want to draw close to you. Oh, no, Lord, I can’t.  It isn’t clean enough for you there. *Come, Child, bring your heart. Okay, Lord.  Here it is.  I want to be ...

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I Cannot Stand it any Longer

“Son I cannot stand the misery, crying and pain that is coming into my ears from down there any longer. You need to put on the human flesh I have prepared for you and go to the earth and deliver my children. Their hearts for the most part are hardened ...

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Evidence of His Residence

Some days are just plain tough.  They are overrun with challenges and personal shortfall and can make a person who wants to please Jesus feel, well, disappointed in themselves.  We aren’t alone in our disappointment.  Paul, one of Jesus’ greatest servants, told us in Romans 7:19 that he often found ...

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Precious Gowns

Made of wedding dresses and formals in ivories and pale pastel colors, they’re cut from the smallest patterns and trimmed with lace. They are made for both boys and girls. These precious gowns serve as burial garments for infants who are stillborn, or too small or ill to survive. Several ...

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