Global Warming and Christianity

By H.W. Bass The problem with taking political issues from a Christian perspective is that they always get tied up in the politics of it all. Therefore, a politician who is using Christianity as part of their platform and who does not believe in global warming is going to force ...

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Christians should pay Caesar taxes

The age old debate rages on: Should Christians pay the Caesar taxes? What does the bible say on the issue? What does Jesus say on the issue?  I will answer these questions. First, yes Christians should pay taxes to support the government authorities that God has put over them. Paul ...

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You Are God’s Precious Child

You Are God’s Precious Child You are so precious to God. He created you in a unique way. He knows how many hairs you have on your head. He holds all of your tears in a bottle. He listens to every prayer you utter and answers each and every one ...

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Speak Life

Speak Life By Renee G. She stood there with a sullen look in her eyes, head down and shoulders sunk, plunger in hand. I did it again! I know that I am not to let any corrupt word proceed out of my mouth and to use only words that edify ...

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“WWJD”–Movie Review

“WWJD” – Movie Review Hebrews 13:2(KJV)—Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. The Dove Foundation says this 2009 movie is, “A powerful and thought-provoking story.” This movie is based upon the book, “In His Steps,” written by Charles M. Sheldon. This book is based ...

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