The Selfless Prom Queen

Riverton High School in Riverton, Utah had crowned Kendra Muller their junior prom queen on Saturday. What’s so special about this? Well Kendra was in an accident 3 years ago and is paralyzed from the waist down. She’s confined to a wheelchair, and her fellow peers cared so much about ...

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Parenting Simply

By H.W. Bass Parents want to protect their children, but some of them take it too far because they are using God’s name to keep their children from everything in the world. The parent that is very protective of their children means extremely well, but there is a point at ...

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A Firm Foundation

A Firm Foundation By John Livingston Clark On March 11, 2011 a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan producing a tsunami engulfing the city of Sendai. Recently, the Japanese people had a day of remembrance on the third anniversary of that catastrophic event. As the tidal wave ...

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Gun Control and God

By H.W. Bass Every person who is carrying an assault rifle down the street or carrying their Desert Eagle .50 caliber into a coffee shop believes they have a right to do so under the Constitution. However, many of those people don’t realize that their free will comes at a ...

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