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Tag Archives: believe

365 Reasons NOT To Fear

F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real. We live in a 92-year-old bungalow-style home. In my son’s room there is a large walk-in closet, and when my kids were young, that little room was just large enough to hide something scary that could come out only at night when the lights were ...

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My Jesus Journey (Pt. 7) The Inside Scoop

Thousands of people listened to Jesus as He gave the inside scoop on putting together key pieces of life’s puzzle in a way that would result in an abundant life.  They listened with rapt attention,  sometimes for days.  His message was so intriguing that they even pushed hunger aside for ...

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Putting Your Foot in the Water

We recently purchased a new car with a navigation system. All I have to do is talk to it, giving it my destination, and as I begin to drive I am directed turn-by-turn. Navigation systems sure make it easy to know where you’re going, and even how long it will ...

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Never Lost

Sadly, missing persons cases are not just a current tragedy, but they span decades and even centuries. Many families throughout the years have been left wondering what happened to their loved one. The missing come from different walks of life. Some are runaways living on dangerous streets, some are innocent ...

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What God thinks about Government

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:2 God has set government authorities in the earth as we see from Romans 13:2 and He expects us to obey ...

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