If I had taken my accounting class more seriously, I would have discovered much sooner that I was actually good at keeping books! Our high school offered many business courses where we learned to type on “old fashioned” typewriters, many of the girls took shorthand classes, and both boys and ...
Read More »Gain Through Loss
There are times when we have to give up something we love in order to gain a better thing. As the spring of 1781 brought muskets ringing in the air and the angry voices of Redcoats to South Carolina, Rebecca Brewton Motte chose to give something up that she wanted ...
Read More »Our Faith, the Victor
Consider the life of a pioneer wife. They rose before the sun, often weary from the last day’s work. They pinned their long hair back from their faces, dressed in their layers, and pulled on an apron to start another day. Many of them had traveled long journeys just to ...
Read More »We Wait in Hope
Traveling across the sea to foreign ports in search of fabrics, teas, shoes, and the fine wines of France, must have seemed a romantic venture to the young mariner in 19th century America! But for the wife of a seaman, the romance of a sea life was as far away ...
Read More »They Shall Live Again
Springtime has always brought the promise of new life and the end of another brown, barren Illinois winter. The first tulips begin to pop open; trees get their first, almost invisible green buds, and soon, green grass springs up to carpet over the brown stuff on the ground. I remember ...
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