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Tag Archives: Christianity

Hope is A Choice

“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.”   A.W. Tozer A.W. Tozer speaks to the weak ...

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Dinner is Served, Spiritual-Style

In my family, we have two aunts who made wonderful cut-out sugar cookies at Christmas-time when we were kids. Beautifully decorated trees, angels, wreaths, and snowmen were displayed on platters at the annual party. Icing in red, green, blue, and yellow adorned the cookies along with sprinkles, coconut, and red ...

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Christ Holds the Keys of Hell and Death

In John 19:30, when Jesus said, “It is finished,” just before he died on the cross, it meant that the Old Covenant was at an end and the New Covenant just beginning. The prophecies of Christ, as “The Son of Man” were now fulfilled and Christ’s days on the earth ...

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Oh, the Joys of Trials and Temptations!

Imagine there was a line you could get in to receive something you really wanted–a line that offered all the money you would ever need, or that trip to a faraway place you’ve dreamed of, or even the perfect spouse you’ve longed for! Who wouldn’t run to that line? Most ...

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Christianity: Is it Religion or a Relationship?

We’ve all heard the quote about Christianity, “It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.” While it would be ideal if we could say in a simple sentence that Christianity is black and white, it is actually a bit more. Unfortunately, over time people have viewed Christianity through a lens of legalism. ...

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