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Tag Archives: Christianity

With so Many Churches, How can I Choose?

With so many different churches to choose from these days it makes it kind of tough when you’re trying to find a church. In the past I have encountered many people in this dilemma, (been there myself). In my day it was often frowned upon when someone went from church ...

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Is Pain Really a Problem?

C. S. Lewis wrote a book called, The Problem of Pain. Pain is a great problem but it also is a great time of learning. This problem isn’t referring to what is wrong with pain, but the depth of pain. A good life, or the abundant life, does not mean a pain free ...

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An Inside Look at the War on Christians

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, originally from Egypt but now residing in Italy and the United States, knows a bit about the crisis in the Middle East and its “war” on Christians in the region.  Ramelah is the director of Voice of The Copts (www.voiceofthecopts.org), an organization that has been spreading the ...

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No Good Ending?

no good ending

Faith is on the front page, and the headlines are ghastly. America has been given a fresh look into a barbarism as old as time itself, albeit a look we did not ask for. It’s easy to ignore tragedy and injustice when it’s out of sight. It’s more difficult when it’s ...

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Why The Law Became Obsolete

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people.” ...

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