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Tag Archives: Christianity

Don’t Fret, God’s Got It Covered!

Watching those who prosper while doing evil can make you pretty angry! When will their day come? When will justice be served upon them? For those of us who serve God, it can be very angering to wait while we experience emotional pain at the hands of those who do ...

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“Pull a Daniel” and Be Peculiar!

Oh no, she didn’t! She didn’t just say that, or he didn’t just do that. Suddenly, that six inch gap between you is not quite enough space, and you scoot just a little to the left. And then a little more and a little more until you are no longer ...

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Your Appointed Work

Marie lived many years ago. She came from a poor farm family in Kentucky, and left home at seventeen to be married. She lived an ordinary life, filled with hard work and little extra. But Marie had a God-given musical talent. She could play piano, guitar, and violin “by ear.” ...

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Putting Christ Back in Christmas

Although Black Friday sales dropped this year, according to the National Retail Federation nearly 133.7 million people shopped or planned to shop over the four-day Thanksgiving weekend. Shoppers tapped away on their smart devices, shopping virtual shelves looking for the perfect gift at the best price, and scurried into stores ...

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Psalm 78:4: What’s Your Story?

Many find history boring in a school book. What’s so exciting about people who lived hundreds of years ago? Who wants to hear about all the tragedies and struggles of people who’ve been dead for centuries? But learning the history of your own family is another story. Most of us ...

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