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Tag Archives: Faith

Putting Your Foot in the Water

We recently purchased a new car with a navigation system. All I have to do is talk to it, giving it my destination, and as I begin to drive I am directed turn-by-turn. Navigation systems sure make it easy to know where you’re going, and even how long it will ...

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The Spirit is Willing but the Flesh is Weak

After the resurrection Thomas asked for proof that Jesus was indeed risen; Jesus complied by allowing Thomas to see and touch His wounds from the cross. We call him “Doubting Thomas” and we view that doubt in an unfavorable light, but Jesus didn’t. How do I know? The proof is ...

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Never Lost

Sadly, missing persons cases are not just a current tragedy, but they span decades and even centuries. Many families throughout the years have been left wondering what happened to their loved one. The missing come from different walks of life. Some are runaways living on dangerous streets, some are innocent ...

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No More Than You Can Handle

No More Than You Can Handle By Joel B. 1 Cor 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a ...

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How can He ask me to sacrifice my son? My son. My joy and reason for living. What good can come from this? I don’t understand…it doesn’t add up. Nonsense! “Cut the baby in half!” he commanded. What??? Are you serious? He’s just a baby. How could God give King ...

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