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Tag Archives: Father

Parents: How to Get it Right

What’s your favorite thing to worry about? Don’t worry (pun intended), this isn’t going to be another lengthy article about the problems of worry, stress and anxiety. No, I simply ask because I’ve discovered that (for today) my pet worry is parenting. And I simply hope I’m not alone. I ...

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An Explanation of the Trinity

For 2000 years, Christianity has taught that God is a Trinity, not because of church councils, not because of traditions, and not because of denominational confessions, but because an honest reading of the Scriptures leads us to conclude that God exists as a Trinity. What is the Trinity? Simply put ...

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In The Beginning Was The Word

I’ve been doing an in depth study of the Gospel of John and thought I would share some insights I’ve gained from that study. The first verse of chapter 1 has always fascinated me, I’ve meditated over it for hours and I always find more to learn. John 1:1 “In ...

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Brave Enough To Stay

The two things most familiar to me were the North Atlantic, and the feeling I’d forgotten something. I stared at Maine’s rocky coast as my boat bobbled over swells toward Cumberland Docks. “Dietrich!” Chappy, my crew captain called. “I’ll get the shrimp out to market and have the boat turned ...

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Are You A Throne or A Manger?

And the day had started with such promise. Bradley Porter jiggled his leg as he sat at his desk scowling at his assignment. He was a smart boy, earning top marks in every subject. He loved his little Christian school, sporting a pressed uniform and cardigan; but most of all ...

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