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Tag Archives: fearful

When God’s Guidance Is Disguised

What should I do when I’m stumped while trying to receive the leading of the Holy Spirit?  Well, I need to do some analyzing. Just who is having the problem?  Is the Holy Spirit sleeping in?  No, the Bible says God never slumbers nor does He sleep. (Psalm 121:3-4) Is ...

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To the Lost and Longing

I lived the first 24 years of my life lost and longing for more–longing for things I couldn’t describe because I wasn’t sure what they were at first. Have you ever found yourself like this–wandering and searching for more? You can go to church and not be saved. And if you aren’t ...

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God Not Only Hears, He Helps

And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? Genesis 16:13 In Genesis 16, we see Hagar’s life was affected by the decisions of the authorities above her who had ...

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Fear Not !

Contemplating my latest reaction to my teenage daughter’s negative attitudes brought me to the realization that my overboard emotional response was rooted in fear.  In Matthew 10:31, Jesus specifically stated, ” Fear not,  you are of more value than many sparrows.”  Jesus knew the danger of giving in to fear.  ...

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