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Tag Archives: focus

The Eye of The Eagle

The eagle flies nearly 3000 feet above the city of Dubai, periodically turning his head, scanning the horizon.  The panoramic view holds no appeal to him; his eye seeks only the instruction of his trainer.  The eagle watches for the hand motions that direct him: “continue soaring,” “come to me.”  Even though ...

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Man is no Longer King of his Castle

Man is no longer king of his castle; in fact he’s lucky if he even has a castle. Man’s role in society seems to be diminishing as well. Just by walking into your local department store, you can see how women’s lives reflect their role in society–quite often the women’s ...

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Our Hope: Deserted Places

‘Yet He often withdrew to deserted places and prayed.’ Luke 5:16 (HCSB) Deserted places.  Sound ominous, don’t they? But are they always a ‘bad thing’? Jesus knew the value of being alone.  Never completely alone, but alone with His Father.  Even though Jesus was God, He also was a man. ...

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God speaks. Can you hear Him?

Grief, frustration and resentment seeped through the words, “I guess God just doesn’t talk to me.”  A committed servant of the church, a faithful Christian who lived a scriptural life, my friend’s voice trembled over the perceived silence of God.  My heart ached then and now.  God is not silent; ...

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