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Tag Archives: Freedom

America: The Vision of God

Psalm 33:12” Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.” God gave the United States as an inheritance to its citizens. Why? So we could send missionaries to the rest of the world. God‘s vision for the United States has always been ...

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Honoring Heroes

The calendar brings us to Memorial Day, the most solemn of our national holidays.  Memorials—like all great things—were God’s idea first.  God commanded the use of memorials to the children of Israel, and woven throughout scripture are examples of memorials as celebration and worship.  Like everything that God commands, it ...

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Life Mate: A Gift from God

You are at a point in life and you want to move into the next step in life. You want to get married and start a family. The only problem is that you do not have a fiance, let alone a date. What do you do? You do not panic ...

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Your Call to Serve God in Music

How do you know if you are anointed of God for music ministry? We know that Jesus appoints people in his body to different offices of ministry. Ephesians 4:11” So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teacher.” God first of all will put a ...

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Dad Build me a Rollercoaster

“Dad can we build a roller coaster in our backyard?” asked Lyle Pemble. “Sure!” Will Pemble responded and so “Caution Zone” was completed 6 months later. Will Tremble built a 180feet long,10feet high roller coaster in his backyard. The tracks were made of PVC tubing and the coaster frame was ...

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