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Tag Archives: God

My Faith in God

My Faith In God By H.W. Faith With life there comes happiness and pain Some days the sun shines or it rains Each day is a challenge from within I pray and I ask God to forgive me for my sins Although I question my life ups and downs I ...

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On the Road to Change

On the Road to Change By Renee Saul was a man of the world.  He did not walk with God.  He did not talk to God.  Instead, he chased after God’s people, torturing whoever got in his way until one day, God spoke to him. “Saul! Why do you harass ...

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The Silliness of Division

The Silliness of Division By Joel B. There is a matter that God has really laid on my heart, and that is the matter of division within the Church. What I am speaking of is the unified body of Christ. At least, it’s supposed to be unified. I mean, isn’t ...

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The Bible in the 21st Century

God commanded in Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” The Lord told Joshua to obey this word a very ...

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