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Tag Archives: God’s Word

Teens: That it may go well with you

honor thy father and mother; fifth commandment

The comments were withering. A teenager on social media wrote how much he appreciated his mother and how she’d cared for him and his sister through the tough times of single parenthood. He voiced his surprise that so many other teens were negative about their parents. This incited a firestorm ...

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What Role Should Women Play in Church Leadership?

Recently, a key appointment and consecration in England enflamed the centuries-long argument regarding the position of women within church leadership.  This delicate topic has faithful supporters on both sides. The godly and correct answer will not be realized within this TBL news article.  However, it is worth review and discussion. ...

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Yes, God Really Said That!

As Christians, most of us are familiar with the Ten Commandments, even reciting most of them from memory. We know that God loved the whole world and sent His Son. We know His Words as our Shepherd in the 23rd Psalm. But the Bible is filled with beautiful Scriptures that are ...

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Top 3 Reasons to Read the Bible

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 I have heard all the excuses for NOT reading the Bible. ...

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Positioning yourself to hear God speak

hear God speak

“I don’t hear God speak. I hear people say, ‘God told me this or that’ like it’s an everyday thing, but it doesn’t happen for me.” Perhaps you can relate to this sentiment. You’d be thrilled to hear from Heaven about specific areas of your life, but you don’t know ...

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