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Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

OUR HOPE: Our Forgiveness

‘You forgave the iniquity of Your people and covered all their sins.’ Psalm 85:2 (NIV) Have you ever done or said something that you instantly regretted?  What about when you thought about it later on?  There is something that is planted inside each living human being that is called a ...

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Leave The Bucket Behind

“If being baptized by water saves you, as some religions claim, then why are we not dumping buckets of “holy water” on people everywhere?” Being raised in a religious household with this exact idea, and having been baptized as a baby, the question caught me off guard and started to ...

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OUR HOPE: The Power of The Tongue

‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.’ Proverbs 18:21 (ESV) I sometimes speak before I think.  It is something I fight against, and most of the time, I win.  But there are times, and entire days, where I ...

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You be the Judge? -Part I (judging fruit)

One of my favorite things about summer when I was growing up were the afternoons spent driving our rural roads in search of farm stands selling fresh fruits and vegetables. They always tasted so much better than what you purchased at the market and there is a reason for this… ...

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How do I know if a Movie is Okay to See?

What we allow into our spirit through our eyes and ears has a definite affect on our spiritual lives.  As violence and explicit sexual content in movies becomes increasingly accepted as normal, as well as increasingly popular with teens and young adults, it becomes more and more difficult to avoid ...

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