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Tag Archives: obedience

The Same Love: John and Job

Two men, each with a book of the bible named for him, one was “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” one of the inner three. The other was, in God’s own words, “blameless, and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” John was a typical, hard-working fisherman at the ...

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Following God’s Plan Not Man’s

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) Tears flowed as the news slowly poured from our ears into our hearts-our pastor and his family…moving….God’s leading not theirs. As the news sunk in, so did my selfishness. Why do they have to leave Lord? Doesn’t he ...

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Safe and Secure

Broken lives and shattered relationships, complete with bruised hearts and destroyed dreams, dot the landscape of our world.  It was not always so.  Before sin entered paradise with its companions of shame and guilt, Scripture says Adam and Eve lived naked and unashamed.   While the literal reading is clearly physical, ...

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Are You Chasing the Wind?

Solomon knew what he was talking about in the book of Ecclesiastes. He was a man who had it all: wisdom, adoring women, an earthly kingdom, and 25 tons of gold received yearly! What more could there be? Solomon knew the answer to that–it was wisdom to live right. God ...

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3 Things That Hinder Our Prayers

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ” -John Bunyan If your life is anything like mine everyday seems more busy than ever before. It appears to drag us into multiple directions at once and it can be difficult to think ...

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