Well-rounded Dad This is the typical nuclear home dad. This father gets the privilege of raising his children with their mother. He offers support, guidance, attention, and provision. Most times he’s a disciplinarian, yet a “softy.” He takes care of his children, but not without frequent consultations from God. (Ephesians ...
Read More »Is Success Based on Your Ability to Worry Well?
I know people who believe worry is the key to their success. If they don’t worry about the account, the sales, the market, their kids, their relationships or their personal finances, then they are not being responsible. Worrying about these things keeps them in check. It makes them a good ...
Read More »Teen Girls: From Prey To Power (Dads Read, Too!)
God knew what He was doing when He designed the family to consist of father, mother, and child(ren). When we depart from God’s design, dysfunction wedges in and poisons all the members of the family. If a father is absent, the entire family suffers. He may be present in the ...
Read More »Advice for New Mothers
As a new mom, the suggestions and recommendations on the best way to raise your child can be overwhelming or even mind numbing making a mother fearful or doubtful of her abilities. Although it is natural to express concerns, especially since a baby does not come with an instruction manual, too much information ...
Read More »Mom, You Have 950 Weeks to Influence the Next Generation
As mothers, we are given a great responsibility in raising up the next generation and we are only given a short amount of time to make an impact in their lives. Four of my favorite moms in the Bible are Jochebed, Hannah, Eunice and Louis. Jochebed, the mother of Moses, ...
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