In the 1970s there was a popular game show called “Let’s Make a Deal.” After multiple small trades, the show concluded with an opportunity for two participants to trade their winnings for a mystery deal behind Door 1, Door 2 or Door 3. It was a fun game with trust ...
Read More »3 Things That Hinder Our Prayers
“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart. ” -John Bunyan If your life is anything like mine everyday seems more busy than ever before. It appears to drag us into multiple directions at once and it can be difficult to think ...
Read More »Tugging on the Family Chord
There is a wise saying about family unity: “The family that prays together, stays together”. There’s another saying that existing in contradiction to this one, however: “Every family has a black sheep in the flock”. Both have been proven true in the family dynamic, throughout time. My pastor often tells ...
Read More »Praying Pets: Because It Really Does Happen
Do you realize that our pets praise the Lord? If you don’t believe me, I’m going to take a moment to try to convince you of this very thing. If one were to examine the subject of animals praising God, there are two places that I would suggest looking. They ...
Read More »Our Hope: Prayers for Betty
Jesus said, ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ Luke 6:31 (NIV) My husband took me out for breakfast this morning, as he often does on Saturdays. We treasure time spent together because we have busy lives that often send us in different directions. As we ...
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