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Tag Archives: restoration

Four Reasons I Stopped Hating Eve

We all know the story of Adam and Eve. She sinned and ate the fruit of the Forbidden Tree. She coerced Adam, and he ate the fruit also. Sin, death, disease, and pain entered the world, and at the root of these problems is Eve. I have never liked her, ...

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You Are The Man

Guilt is emotional torment. Nagging symptoms of guilt occur when you believe–accurately or not–that you have compromised your belief system or violated a moral standard. Closely related to the concept of remorse, guilt darkens our countenance. Even Sigmund Freud, father of psychiatry, stated: “guilt is the most powerful of all ...

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#Fast_ForwardAmerica, We Can Do Better

I follow and write about politics for The Bottom Line. I am blessed to be able to write about what interests me. At times, however, I must admit it can be a challenge. Every day there seems to be yet another scandal, injustice, or example of incompetence – and the spin that ...

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Christmas: A Time of Forgiveness and Restoration

“Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.” Christmastime can bring up many feelings especially unforgiveness and without forgiveness we won’t be able to experience restoration. Jesus was born so that we could experience restoration with the Lord. When we don’t forgive others it not only hurts our ...

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God Gives Beauty for Ashes

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them BEAUTY FOR ASHES, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3 ...

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