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Tag Archives: Satan

Help Me To Live, Jesus

O, Judas Iscariot, it doesn’t need to be you, To choose to betray Jesus by the temptation of worldly gain. Your regret tells your sorrow of sin, Your shame tells your conscience of guilt. I wonder if Jesus chose you to be one of His disciples, Not meant to trap ...

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The Devil’s Price

The most amazing gift we can receive is salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our Redeemer who died on the cross at Calvary to be our Mediator to resolve our transgressions to God the Father. 1 Tim 2:5-6 For there is one God, and one mediator ...

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War Around The World

Have you watched the news lately? Lots of talk of wars breaking out. Russia is trying to take control of the Ukraine. The Hamas crossed over into Israel and began terrorizing people. Israel responding and declaring war against the Hamas controlling the Gaza Strip. I’ve heard people saying they felt ...

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Texting With A “Digital Jesus?”

I felt compelled to write this article to alert people about a new app called “Text With Jesus.” In an article by CyberGuy Reporter at Fox News, Kurt Knutsson, this writer states, “For those longing for a more personal connection to their faith this app might be the digital salvation ...

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How To Duel A Demon

One of the unfortunate realities we are faced with in today’s world, is that there really are monsters. Probably not quite like many of us imagine in television, movies, books, and video games. No, these are much worse. They are demonic creatures who are on a mission to seek and ...

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