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Tag Archives: spiritual warfare

Titanic Faith

Remember the Titanic and the ‘tip of the iceberg’?  You never know what lurks beneath and so it is with life.  Things are RARELY what they seem and our faith if no different.  We can talk a good game all day long, but when the rubber meets the road where ...

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3 Barriers to Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance ministry refers to freeing people from the influence of evil spirits; casting out demons in order to free others from torment, oppression, and bondage. Reading through the gospels shows that this is a ministry that was very common for Jesus. Mark 1:39 says, “And He was preaching in their ...

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Learning to use the Sword of the Spirit

We may not have realized it at the time, but the moment we became followers of Christ, we were launched into the midst of a great conflict. Our battle is not against “flesh and blood”—that is, other people—but against the devil and his demonic forces (see Ephesians 6:10-13). We also ...

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We’re at War!

Sixth century Chinese general Sun Tzu’s book The Art of War has stood the test of time and remains a leading authority in military warfare. A mix of military study and practiced wisdom, it offers readers strategic advice for battles and open attacks. The book may have been written thousands ...

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