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Tag Archives: spiritual warfare

“Ouija”: A Gateway To Darkness

I was driving around with some teenagers from the local high school when they started talking about Ouija boards. When asking them why they were discussing that subject I was told there was a movie coming out. The movie, “Ouija” is opening in theaters October 24, 2014. It is summed ...

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2 Wrong Approaches to Spiritual Warfare

The topic of the devil, demons, and spiritual warfare elicits quite a range of responses from Christians. Some obsess over the topic, while others avoid it altogether. As believers, we can’t deny the reality of the kingdom of darkness. The Bible talks plainly about Satan, fallen angels, unclean spirits, and ...

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10 Signs That You Are under Spiritual Attack

Have you sensed that something is not right in your life, but are not able to figure out exactly what? Have you tried to make the feeling go away by distracting your mind, but the nagging feeling still remains. Maybe what you are experiencing is a spiritual attack.  Sometimes, when ...

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The Devil’s 3 Favorite Lies

Friends, Satan is a schemer. We are warned about this in 1 Peter 5:8 where it says he walks about, like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. We also see his attacks in scripture. He went after Job (Job 2:7), Peter (Luke 22:31), Judas (John 13:2), and even our ...

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Why Engage in War?

Arriving by boat, the gentlemen stepped onto the shore and encountered a not so warm welcome. “What do you want with us…Have you come here to torture us? Taking a step forward as the others took a slight step back, the righteous man replied, “Go!”, and the demons fled. (Specifically ...

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