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Tag Archives: Truth

Deceit of Popularity

Paul knew the secret. He would never be able to do both. He faced the same choice each of us must face, and it went against his natural desire to be liked and appreciated by others. He would have to choose popularity with people, or service to the Lord Jesus. ...

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Finding Truth in News

Questions.  We all have them.   Reporters ask them.  Kids ask them.  Jesus welcomed them and used them.  But not every question is asked with integrity. Not every question seeks truth. Accusations, perpetrating assumptions, casting aspersions…all can be at the heart of questions.  Newscasts blasting out of Ferguson, Missouri seek ...

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Fourth Man

It was the typical Babylonian form of execution. After being bound, the guilty were placed in a brick kiln-type furnace with temperatures over 500 degrees hotter than today’s hottest crematory. Death would be almost instantaneous. Three young Hebrew men were about to experience this form of execution for not bowing ...

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Weeds Are My Enemy

The purest seed was planted as the spring frost was unfolding in the fields.  Like most farmers, Eli depended solely upon the harvest of his wheat in order to sustain his family.  Yet, the enemy crept in and planted tares, a weed disguised to look just like the wheat in ...

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“Who Do You Say That I Am?”

Relationships take time to grow. Trust in another, belief in their genuine love for you, take time to nurture and build. This is true even in our relationship with God and His Son, Jesus. When we come to Him in our brokenness and begin a relationship with Him, it is ...

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