With commencement right around the corner, now is a great time for high school seniors to start preparing for one of the most vital components of a successful post-secondary experience. While dorm furnishings or a new tablet are nice, one of the most important tools a graduate going either to school or into the workforce can equip himself with is a band of “mighty men” (mighty women, too!)–fellow Christians who will provide support and accountability as this new season of life begins.
A teen stepping on a university campus, in many ways, is walking into a spiritual ambush, often even in Christian college settings. Agnostic professors, parties, relationship temptations, Greek Letter Organizations, dorm life, and unlimited independence are a concoction for potentially falling away from one’s faith, even among devoted Christian youth.
For teens who aren’t attending school but are either working, interning, or going into missions, it is equally important to assemble your warrior team. The Barna Group reports that high school grads are in particular danger of falling away from corporate worship. Along with new challenges in this phase, close-knit youth groups sometimes scatter, and a young adult who doesn’t go away to school may find it suddenly difficult to find his niche.
Just like David was surrounded by his mighty men, “who gave him strong support in his kingdom” (1 Chronicles 11:10), college bound and career-minded saints are prepped for success in God’s kingdom when they do the same.
Your team of mighty men may range in number from a couple to a couple dozen, but here are some attributes and giftings to look for in those whom you might ask to partner with you:
Prayer Warriors – intercessory prayer is undoubtedly the most important spiritual weapon a Christian can have in any situation. Find at least one person who is devoted to prayer (Acts 2:42) to regularly lift you up before the throne of God.
Accountability Partners – it is great to know that someone other than a parent, and of the same sex, is available to talk in any situation. This person might be an older Christian role model who is willing to check in with you regularly.
Discerning/Personally Prophetic – a man or woman who hears regularly from God and who can spiritually identify what is happening in a situation is a wonderful asset. A word spoken from someone whose spiritual antennae are up can help crystallize a difficult circumstance or lift your spirit over a situation.
Many of these callings and gifts will overlap, so a couple of people might be armed to help you cover all these needs.
Teens, who is willing to serve as a mentor and prayer partner to help you navigate the waters of life after graduation?
If you don’t have a group of mighty men (or women), would you consider asking the Holy Spirit to highlight some people you could ask?
Adults, is there a young person in your life for whom you’re willing to stand in the gap and encourage?