It seems most people want to see it before they believe it. Thomas, Jesus’ disciple, was like that. He said that unless he saw the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and stuck his finger into those prints and put his hand into Jesus’ side that he would not believe it was Him (John 20:25). Thomas doubted, but it didn’t change the truth. We do the same thing. Unless we see God moving in our circumstances, especially after many laborious times of prayer, we doubt that He is even cares about us. “How could He care since He isn’t doing a thing to help?“ we grumble. We work ourselves into a ruffled state of mind and begin to doubt more than just His caring or His being aware of our plight. Then the doubt snowballs and can send us spiraling into an abyss of fear and uncertainty.
As I sat contemplating this subject one evening, I realized that just like the stars remain when dawn pushes back the night, our great God remains with us as well even though He may be out of sight. And, just as sure that the sun still shines behind a dark, stormy sky, I can know for sure that God still cares even though I’m screaming, “Why?” So when I face those impossible times and it seems He’s left me all alone; when I get to the point where I think I just can’t go on, and I feel that proverbial knot slipping through my grasp, I shouldn’t stop believing in my God because He still believes in me.
If I will choose to trust in Him, He will see me through. My prayers haven’t really gone unanswered, He’s heard every word. He loves you and me so much more than we know. He tells us so with each new dawn. So, join me and let’s stop doubting His almighty power – even when we can’t see His presence. He’s here for all His kids and He will see us through. Each and every day, as He leads the way, we can trust in Him!
We are too often tempted to think that if we can’t see something tangible happening, that nothing is happening at all. But remember, even when we can’t see those tiny seeds growing deep under the soil, at the right time, against many odds, those mighty, little, believing sprouts pop up and grin at the sun. God is working – most times behind the scenes. So don’t give up. Trust in Him…even when you don’t see His presence.
Your message brought encouragement to me and I am certain it will do the same for others. Very well put; thanks for sharing your insight. 🙂
Thank you, Cora, for your encouragement in return. God bless.