Not to take away from women serving the Lord, but I have to say that hearing men bearing witness to the acts of God, speaking of and worshipping Him, and humbling themselves in a public way is good for the faith. As Paul writes in Hebrews 12:1, he is “surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses … throw[ing] off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And… run[ning] with perseverance the race marked out for[him].” It is uplifting and I think it gives credence to the Christian faith. Let me explain what I mean.
Surveys show that in the church today, there is a great disparity between male and female church-goers and ministry leaders. Women are taking on most of the roles of leadership in the church with the exception of the pastor.
Many men believe that demonstrative Christianity is for sissies and women. Men think kneeling at the altar and raising their hands in a display of worship is not manly. Most of all, allowing God to take hold with an outward manifestation of tears or shaking that is the physical manifestation of God’s Spirit makes men feel vulnerable. Christianity, they think, is not manly.
With this as a prevailing attitude, what outsiders see are women praising the Lord, talking about Him with others and serving in His house. Is it any wonder that men resist going to church? They need Christian role models.
When I hear a man speaking boldly about the Lord, I see someone who has allowed God to overcome that feeling of timidity of showing emotion. When a man is speaking of God in terms that clearly say “He is real,” “He is good,” and “He is powerful,” is uplifting. More than any other statements of the men of God, hearing them say, “I am weak and unashamed,” “I am nothing without Jesus,” and “Everyone needs the Lord,” is a weighty testimony.
To see men that other people admire freely share their faith, allows other men to see that being a Christian does not mean checking masculinity at the front door. This applies especially to a man who is respected for his strength and intelligence by his peers.
So when I see my pastor, a former construction worker, pipe fitter, and welder, knowing he is an intelligent man who diligently reads his Bible and studies God’s Word, it bolsters my faith. I know he can hold his own with “manly men” and witness powerfully to other men. He is an example of one who follows Christ, the original manly man, followed for centuries by other manly men and still ready to lead today’s manly men also.
If you are a man, how do you feel about Christianity? How do you boldly declare your dependence on Christ while being the strong man God created you to be?