Home / Faith / JCFilms Studios Wants You To Share Your Story!

JCFilms Studios Wants You To Share Your Story!

1 Chronicles 16:8 Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.

The moment we are born our story begins. It is written into an even larger story that began long before we were conceived. With each step, whether it be success or failure, it is all meant to bring us closer to our Creator, so that eventually we reach a point when we are redeemed to God the Father, through Jesus Christ.

This isn’t the end of our story. It is a living thing, and we can share that testimony of our life with others. This is what Jesus encouraged of those he helped (Mark 5:19). He also has asked us to be like salt and light. We are to be distinguishable and a light that guides (Matthew 5:13-16). Our testimony is a great way of sharing what Jesus has done for us, distinguishing ourselves from the world, and illuminating a path for others.

JCFilms – What’s Your Story?

Since 2014, JCFilms Studios has produced more than 70 faith and family films, with many upcoming films on the way.  Jason Campbell, President of JCFilms, wants to take it a step further. He would like the public to share their life stories and potentially have them produced into films. This is a great opportunity to share your testimonies with others and let them know what Jesus has done for you.

To get started, all you need to do is go to the JCFilms: “What’s Your Story?” page, fill out the form, and submit your story so that it can be considered.

While you’re there, also don’t forget to check out some of their current films, as well as their production clubs, as well as their child and adult camps that you can get involved with.

Thank you for reading and God bless.

About Joel Bauer

Joel M. Bauer is a 49-year-old U.S. Army Veteran from Dunn, NC, which is just outside of Raleigh. After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, he attended school at Taylor University, a Christian liberal arts school, in Fort Wayne, IN, where he received his BS in social work and psychology. He has worked in such places as a homeless shelter, a community based treatment center for severe mental illnesses, a school for troubled students, and other social service agencies. His current endeavor is to build The Bottom Line website into a site that inspires both Christians and non-Christians alike, and brings glory to God.

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    • Thanks! JCFilms is a wonderful ministry. Hoping some of our readers are able to get their stories shared. What a great opportunity. We all have a special story God has written in our life. 🙂

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