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Just Passing Through

There are many things that are divided in this world.

But there is only one thing that is separated from this world. That one thing is God and by extension the Christian. We are sojourners on this planet. Much like the ones described in the verify first line of 1 Peter.

1 Peter 1:1 KJV — Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,

The KJV translates it “strangers scattered throughout”; other versions say elect exiles and one even says choice sojourners. Whatever the translation, the idea is clear. Peter is referring to those set apart from the world. Elected by God to be strangers in a foreign land. And that’s what you are Christian, a stranger in a foreign land. The land is this secular world ruled and perverted by the devil and his minions.

The NKJV uses the word pilgrims. This word has a religious connotation to it. Pilgrims are said to be on some journey to a sacred place. Coming from far away to seek a holy place. Well, this world is far away from the sacred place we Christians are seeking.

So not only are we strangers in a foreign land we are scattered throughout the land. Scattered to better fulfill that great commission of making disciples of all nations. This is God’s plan for all believers that works

The glories that await us in heaven are worth the pilgrimage. Going through this filthy world in order to arrive at the Holy of holies will be a pilgrimage riddled with trials and strife. But take heart Christian these present afflictions will pale in comparison to the Glory in heaven.

About Matthew S

I'm currently an elder at a Southern Baptist Church in a small town. I have an amazing wife and one son. Currently work in a box/puzzle factory. I enjoy studying God's word, lifting weights, hiking, hunting and fishing.

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  1. Beautiful message Matthew –
    Thank you for sharing a lot of interesting history in the post as well. I enjoyed it very much.
    God Bless~


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