Be real with God, because He knows already.
Be encouraged and comforted in knowing that God knows you better than you know yourself. The Bible says that while on earth, “we know in part, but then [in heaven], we will know fully, just as we have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). There are wonderful implications to this truth, such as realizing that we do not need to hide our true thoughts and feelings from God.
In this is intimacy. There are some things that we either cannot or should not share with another human being, yet held within, they become wearying. I’m not talking about a dark secret necessarily, just personal thoughts that are unbecoming. You might be at a crossroads with your walk in Jesus. Or it may be that Satan is giving you his thoughts (lies). They are toxic to you if they are not released and replaced firmly with the truth, the foremost being that you are loved, treasured, and forgiven.
We hide our hearts from God out of fear and with the illusion of secrecy. We think that He will punish us. We think that He will stop blessing us. We will feel bad about ourselves. But quite the opposite is true. In the Bible, we are told that deception is in the heart (Jeremiah 17:9). We are also told that even our righteous deeds are like soiled menstrual rags to God (Isaiah 64:6). He knows completely what is in the heart of each one of us, and He still acted to adopt us as His own special possession (Deuteronomy 7:6).
Only God’s Son is righteous and worthy of His love and goodness—but God gives us Jesus so we too can share in His love and goodness without deserving it. This is unconditional love. Be real in talking to God because you are the one He came to save. He rejoiced over your salvation with the angels in heaven (Luke 15:10).
Remember, God sent Jesus to us because we are sinners—people beset with blasphemous, unholy, and selfish thoughts. Yet, He loves us. So He gave us—our spirits—the righteousness of Jesus when we take Him as our Lord and savior. It is our souls that still suffer and struggle with the effects of sin and from being separated from the Lord in our corrupted fleshly bodies that lead us by lust into misery.
Sometimes we need to recognize the nature of our thoughts and immediately take them captive so they reflect the truth (2 Corinthians 10:5), because Satan is trying to bring us down to his level, which is defeat.
There are other times when we will have thoughts that we know are not true of God, but they are coming from our soul, places where we are not reconciled to God, where we are not serving Him with our whole hearts because we have not internalized certain truths. Usually, waiting on God for something brings these to our conscious, and it’s part of being sanctified in the truth. It’s a time of seeking.
The Lords wants all of our heart because He knows that reconciled fully to Him, we are secure and feel deep joy. Some of us just don’t believe the truth in all areas, but like Peter, we credit ourselves with more faith than we have. But God is greater than our hearts and He is the author and perfector of our faith—He will love us through times of doubt and use them to actually strengthen our faith. Praise God that though we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13)! What an awesome, deserving God I serve!
What are you wanting more faith in?