Has there been, in your life a time or two,
when you thought, you were through?
Dwelling on the ups and downs
can often leave us with a frown.
Trying not to think you are better,
will leave our spirits feeling weathered.
When we are feeling lower than low,
our thoughts of ourselves tend to be snowed.
Being careful not to let pride invade us,
we cry out from our hearts, “Help me, Jesus!”
We think the faith we have is not enough,
as we feel the turbulence in us is rough.
Whenever we think things are going good,
it feels like we are being misunderstood.
The enemy loves those kinds of thoughts
because he loves seeing us distraught.
He knows once depression creeps in,
it will soon lead to guilt feelings within.
Unless we cry out to Jesus for help,
destruction will soon begin, itself.
Oh, how quickly do we forget our wits
when someone close to us throws a fit?
Our confidence begins to whither,
and our spirit soon begins to shiver.
Just because someone’s faith is stronger,
does not make you faithful any longer.
With every trial we walk in this life,
we are apt to go through more strife.
Our troubles will be replaced with peace
when we realize our fears have deceased.
My Brothers and Sisters in this world,
do not let your belief in Him be unfurled.
Place all your doubts and fears on the cross,
using your faith to admire the cost.
Our faith no matter how much it is,
it takes only a “mustard seed” faith to win!
Luke 17:6 So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.