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Offer a Sacrifice of Praise and Break the Chains

Paul and Silas praised God when they were bound in chains in the deep recesses of jail. They sang hymns that rose like sweet incense to God on high. What Did God do? He released His power and sent a mighty earthquake causing all the chains to fall off the prisoners. Read of their supernatural victory below:

Acts 16:25-26 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.

Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and mistreated by two angry businessman (Paul rebuked the spirit out of the demon possessed slave girl, who had brought them many profits with her divination.) The crowds even joined in beating Paul and Silas then the two men were are hauled off to jail and imprisoned falsely. Next, they were put into the lower levels of a dark, dingy prison and chained to the walls. How could it get any worse? Who would feel like praising God in these dire circumstances? I would think that the last thing on their minds would be to rejoice in the Lord and praise him in their very tough circumstances. They could have gone into pity mode, right? Who would’ve blamed them if they became bitter and angry toward God?

What would the household of faith today do in these circumstances? Paul and Silas showed us to heartily to rejoice in the Lord and praise Him in all circumstances. Oh how the Lord inhabited Paul and Silas’s praise and delivered them from their darkness and brought them into His marvelous light.

Today, take courage brothers and sisters in Christ, that no matter how dark your circumstances look or how hopeless your life seems, that you don’t give into the lies of the enemy and quit. Don’t fall into a negative spiral of depressing thoughts and sink further into a thankless pit. But lift your hands toward heaven and begin to rejoice in the Lord and praise Him for His everlasting goodness. Your sacrifice of praise will arise as a sweet aroma to God in the heavens. He will lean over His throne in Glory and take notice of your praising heart. “Look Jesus My children are praising Me in the midst of the dark storms they walk through; I love it when they praise Me in the middle of the toughest of times. This truly is a sacrifice of praise coming from the lips of My children. It’s time to send My power into their dark valley and bring them out to the mountain top.”

God will send you an earthquake and deliver you from your trials and tribulations just as He delivered Paul and Silas so long ago. So rejoice, praise and look to the heavens for your deliverance draws nigh!

What are some things you can praise God for today?


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