Why do we have trouble surrendering control? Is it fear or wanting control? Do you feel that you have been let down by God or people?
Whatever the reason when we fail to surrender completely to the Lord we say we do not trust God or His ways. We may feel we know better or we can’t fully trust God because we have been let down before. We begin to maintain control over our lives and hold onto things that maybe we should not be holding on to. We are not our own gods and as much as the culture around us would have us believe that, there is only room for one God. So what are you holding on to? What do you fear will happen if you let God fully take over your life?
What does a life look like totally surrendered to God? Free of worry, anxiety, and fear. Most of us control because of fear. But we know that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
Some people turn to God with the hope of escaping suffering but God does not promise that. Instead He gives us power to grow through our sufferings. When we suffer we want to control everything around us because we do not want anything else to happen that would be considered bad.
If you want to live a life free of worry, anxiety, and fear, then release control of everything and everyone. This is not always easy if we have expectations of ourselves or others. People who have been hurt the most in life have the most difficulty surrendering their lives to Jesus, and often control their environments and other people.
To trust God fully means to trust Him even when we don’t understand why events occur as they do. Christians must trust God is directing all things according to His purpose. God knows and directs everything that happens and he is in complete control over our lives, even though at times it may not seem that way. Submit your concerns to God and let him work it out. Give up what you think should or should not happen.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
God desires to empower and strengthen you from whatever your trials have been. Jesus wants you to walk through whatever you are enduring with Him by your side, not living in fear or control for what may happen. There is hope and freedom when we can let go and surrender full control of our lives to God.
Can you surrender today even if you can’t figure out how it will work? Can you release your plans and desires into the hands of the one who knows best? Share how you are able to do so?