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The Gates of Heaven

Jesus Christ had opened up the gates of heaven for us forever! He died the most excruciating pain a man ever died on Calvary. Some will say “Yeah but we was part God and man and He could take it!” True but he was created in the image of God, a man nevertheless, like the rest of us. He became sin Who knew no sin. Jesus said in John 14:6:

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Clearly stating that absolutely no one comes to the Father or goes to heaven but through Him. He promised that he would go before us and prepare a place for us in His Father’s house. (Heaven) The Lord Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to spend the rest of eternity in heaven with Him. Even now we can enter heaven in God’s presence through prayer. There is no other way to heaven then through Jesus Christ or entrance to the Father’s presence. Currently we sit with Jesus Christ at the right hand of God on high. We have every spiritual blessing in heaven through Jesus.

Once we are born again our citizenship changes from residents in hell to residents in heaven. Remember the thief on the cross? He asked Jesus to take him where Jesus was going. Jesus said that the robber would enter Paradise with Jesus. The only way the robber could enter heaven was but through belief in Jesus Christ. No Jesus, no heaven and it’s really as simple as that. God set the plan of salvation before the foundation of the world in motion. Before anything was created He looked into eternity and saw Jesus Christ die that horrific death on Calvary. So we could once again enter the gates of heaven and live in His glory and presence forever. What great love the Godhead has for us. Imagine it God dying for man to give man entrance into the gates of heaven once again.

Are you going to enter the gates of heaven?


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