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The Word of God is Never Void

God’s Word was here before the beginning of time. God and His Word are so intertwined that God honors His Word above His name. His Word is very important to Him because He cannot lie and every prophetic Word He has ever spoken will surely come to pass. (Prophecies that haven’t been fulfilled yet.) He said He will perform His Word and it will not return to Him void!

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

Every time God sends His Word out it will accomplish the specific purpose He sent it out for. If it happens to be a Word He sends to us personally and we don’t receive it; that Word will still achieve the purpose He sent it out to fulfill. God’s Word will always come back to Him producing fruit even if we don’t believe in the Word He sent to us. His Word cannot return to Him empty.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John1:1

God sent His Word to us in the form of living flesh about 2,000 years ago when Jesus manifested on the earth. Jesus brought us new meaning and power to God’s Word in His earthly ministry. Remember the Centurion who came to Jesus asking Him to heal his servant? Jesus said He would come to the Centurion’s home and raise his servant up. The Centurion said “No just say the Word and he is healed!” Jesus said “So be it as you have believed so be it done to you!” The account in Matthew 8 records the servant was healed at that very moment. Jesus said by, God’s Word, the man was healed. The servant was healed instantly because God’s Word, coming out of the Living Word, would never come back to Him void.

You see the Centurion received the Word of the Lord in faith and God was able to bring that Word to pass in his life. We too can receive God’s Word in faith and it will achieve the purpose God sent it to us for. It will never return empty back to Him. His Word is power packed and full of life. The Word of God has the nature of God in it. God sent His Word to Mary’s womb in the form of Jesus and we know what happened! God’s word is still coming back to Him bearing so much fruit in Jesus. So let’s start receiving God’s Word and letting it dwell richly in our lives!

Has God’s Word to you achieved the purpose He wanted it to?



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