Are you like me? Do you long to quickly record all the marvelous things God is showing or telling you, but when you do, the magic seems to be gone? I will jot a sentence or half of a thought or revelation from my prayer time, meaning to go back to it at some point to use it in a story or devotional, but when I come back, the inspiration has fled and all I have is those few words staring back at me.
More than once the Bible says of Mary that she “treasured [things] in her heart.”
Then [Jesus] went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. Luke 2:51 (NIV)
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19 (NIV)
Sometimes I think on these verses: Is it an instruction or comfort? An instruction I think, a whisper in my ear from that still small voice. It has taken me a while to get ahold of this. But I still want to shout it from the housetops. Perhaps I will get better.
Sometimes when we talk to the Lord, He converses with us in explanations, sudden bursts of insight, and answers to the mysteries of life. He is so wonderful and amazing. I want to share everything He says with everyone I know. But then you know the looks on people’s faces as you tell some wonderful thing God has done that astonished you and made you want to sing praises, and they look … well, let’s just say less than astonished. Much less.
So I’m coming to the place of pondering, treasuring in my heart what God whispers to me. Perhaps I struggle with thinking He would seriously entrust to me such a vision; it can’t be just for me, can it? Does He reach out and touch my heart and mind, just because? Surely He means me to be a messenger at best. But no, then I see it–the two of us sitting, heads together sharing time alone. And I realize sometimes He speaks just to me. And I will ponder and treasure these things in my heart.
What is the Lord asking you to ponder in your heart?