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Truth Is Immortal

This perfect God breathed collection of God’s words we now call the Bible is immortal. While the paper it’s printed on may decay the words that inspired it will remain and live forever. They are infallible and infinite. 

Isaiah 40:8  The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Knowing this, that those words will last forever, why do some Christians not take the Bible more seriously? It is a problem I think will never go away. It has happened ever since the first words were printed on a page for mass consumption. Since that momentous day, common people were able to read those words in their own language. For the first time in history, they experienced opening up a book filled with the words of a Holy God. 

Today people seem to distance themselves with written words on a page. Today when someone writes a book or an article like this one, there are many other options for those words to get to the reader. You can listen to millions of books online or even download them to read on a screen. Inherently there’s not much wrong with that, but to me reading a physical copy of a book has a sort of impersonal feel to it. I’m thankful for all those other means but I like the process of opening a physical copy of a book and thumbing through the pages. It’s a nostalgic and soothing process you lose with the others. 

Whatever means we use to read the Bible we as Bible believing followers of Christ should take these words seriously and diligently and intently be in study of them. We should be students of this Holy book. Students that long to learn every day from the wisest and powerful teacher there is. Students that aim to be teachers ourselves. I don’t necessarily mean becoming a teacher in a formal sense, although some are called to that end, but becoming someone who shares his or her gained knowledge of the Bible with the others around you. This may mean your own family or someone close to you at your own church. The truths you know, that the Holy Spirit has revealed to you, may not be known by others around you. It is important to share in those things with all believers in order to build up Christ’s church. 

Again meditate on these words from our Lord:

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

There is no better book or document to model our lives around than the Bible. There are many creeds or confessions or catechisms out there that are good. They exalt Christ and give believers good scripture references to look at. But they are in fact fallible. Those words were not breathed out by the God that created everything. They are man’s attempts at further understanding God’s word and unifying a specific set of believers. They are meant to be read with the Bible as the final authority. The truths found in the Bible will always be there and will surpass any of man’s attempts at truth.

The truth is immortal. God’s truth is immortal. 

About Matthew S

I'm currently an elder at a Southern Baptist Church in a small town. I have an amazing wife and one son. Currently work in a box/puzzle factory. I enjoy studying God's word, lifting weights, hiking, hunting and fishing.

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  1. Hi Matthew,
    Fabulous truth and great message for all!
    God Bless~

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