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Life Mate: A Gift from God

You are at a point in life and you want to move into the next step in life. You want to get married and start a family. The only problem is that you do not have a fiance, let alone a date. What do you do? You do not panic and hit the local church singles group; Asking every available single man or woman out on a date. We must come to a place of rest in the Lord where he is our all in all. Proverbs 18:22” He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” You receive favor from God when he arranges circumstances in your life so you can to meet your life partner.He put the desire in your heart to become one with your future life partner.

God is so faithful to fulfill that promise in your life. When he knows you and the other person are ready he will bring you together. I know from personal experience that he will bring the significant other into your life. So he can make the two of you whole and complete.

Briefly, let me explain my journey. I was ready at age 19-or so I thought- to get married and start down that adventurous road. I thought every girl I went out on a date with was “the one” needless to say I lost a lot of good friendships. The Lord worked maturity and humility into my life over the next 7 years. Finally, after many broken dreams and aspirations of married life; I gave up the notion of getting connected with that special one in life.

Then and only then did the Lord bring my future wife into my life and we became one flesh and we have had two wonderful children. We have been married for almost thirty years now. So God will fulfill that blessed promise in your life. Walk in his peace and timing and He will bring that gift to you.


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  1. Very true and an awesome story about you and your wife. May you both be blessed for the next 30 years. 🙂

  2. Thank you much Joel.I receive that in Jesus name amen!

  3. Most persons do confirm that it is at the time when they stop looking, that they actually find their soul mate. it is so amazing how we fuss and plan for our marriage partner even though the final decision does not rest with us. Whenever God is ready, that’s the only time we will be successful in finding the right marriage partner.

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