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Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays?

“Here’s your order sir.”

“Thank you ma’am. Have a good day, and a Merry Christmas.”

“Oh, uhmm, you have a…happy holiday as well.”

Yep, this was an actual conversation I had with a clerk, while ordering lunch one day this past week. Jesus has officially become a taboo subject on the holiday we are supposed to celebrate his birth. Apparently, employees have been encouraged to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. I can’t agree with political correctness here. You see, Jesus saved my life and continues to be a blessing in the lives of my family and I. To deny him, by taking “Christ” out of the holiday, is to deny his deity and my allegiance to him. I refuse to model the compromising parent role for my children, when it comes to proclaiming Christ.

Some might ask, “What’s the big deal, Ennis? You can still celebrate the holiday by glorifying Jesus in your own home. But, not everyone believes in him. Shouldn’t others be allowed to express their joy of the festivities associated with the holiday, without giving praise to a false deity?”

No, you can’t. The problem is, Jesus is not a false deity. He’s the Son of God; God’s word made flesh; The very spirit of God breathed into humanity perfectly. This holiday season was never about trees, lights and the accumulation of material gifts. It has, and should always be about the celebration of God in the flesh joining the human race here on earth. Luke 2:10-11 says,

“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Nowhere in the bible is an angel quoted as saying, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For a great day has been set aside in which all people shall exchange earthly treasures in the spirit of happiness. This day shall forever be known as the happy holiday.”

It’s my belief that as generations progress, we are failing to teach our children the truth of who Jesus really is and why his birth, death and resurrection are so important to humanity. That lack of respect and honor open the door for society to remove Christ from Christmas. But there simply can be no holiday without him because he truly is the reason for the season!

This was supposed to be a family article, so here is my suggestion for us all. Let’s teach our families to fight for our Lord. Let’s teach our children what the true meaning of Christmas is, so that when the Lord is dishonored by a simple and generic, “Happy Holidays” well-wish, they will boldly proclaim, “Merry Christmas” in honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His birth was the greatest gift humanity could ever receive.



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  1. Ya know, it is funny this was posted here today as Joel and I had this very discussion not 24 hours ago! lol

    I kinda yelled at him for tellin me happy holidays because we celebrate Christmas not Kwanza or Hanukkah. Happy Holidays is a politically correct term being forced on Christians. Now, I am more than happy saying happy holidays before Thanksgiving, but after that it is Merry Christmas!

    We all know why people have off work and games get released this time of year; Christmas! It is not any of the others it is, in fact, Christmas. Christmas is and always will be the time of the year when people are a little nicer, get Christmas trees, spend time with their family, help out the less fortunate, basically more cheerful and even if a lot of people have forgot, are thankful to God and celebrate Him.

    Saying Merry Christmas encapsulates all of that and I can’t for the life of me understand why it is so bad to say! (well, yes I can but that is a different subject)

    Oh! By the way Ennis this:

    Nowhere in the bible is an angel quoted as saying, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For a great day has been set aside in which all people shall exchange earthly treasures in the spirit of happiness. This day shall forever be known as the happy holiday.”

    is just awesome! 😀

    Merry Christmas peoples! 😀

    • I don’t have a problem with saying “happy holidays” if you’re speaking of more than one holiday, which is what I was speaking when talking to NXS yesterday. I do have a problem if it’s used strictly as a an attempt to replace Christmas, specifically the mention of Christ. For me “happy holidays” is inclusive of Christmas, but if someone says “Merry Christmas”, I will certainly say “Merry Christmas” back at them. Anyway, just my thoughts. God bless.

  2. My mom and I were both surprised recently when our clerk (at a large retail chain) told us Merry Christmas. Mom actually asked her, “You can say Merry Christmas?” She said, “That’s right. They can’t stop me. I’m not offended by what other people choose to say. They shouldn’t be offended when I say Merry Christmas. ”
    We were both blessed. 🙂

  3. Merry Christmas all the way!!!

  4. No, people should not desecrate Christmas or replace it with other things. However, I also think that, too often, Christians EXPECT non-believers to celebrate it too. Christmas is a Christian “holiday.” A holiday is simply a day set aside to remember something significant, in the case of Christians, the birth of our Savior Jesus. For many non- Christians that means nothing. They must be introduced to Him and shown how they can have a personal relationship with Christ. Then they, too, will want to change their “happy holidays” to “Merry Christmas.”

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