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The Dandelion, More Than Just a Weed

I grumble about them every year, it’s always the same litany of complaints that fall out of my mouth: “Look at all those blasted dandelions!”  “Can you believe how fast they grew?”  “I just mowed yesterday–and those little buggers button right back up, more determined than ever.”

I think there’s a lot to a dandelion that is over looked, a lot we can learn, also a lot we can do with them … other than grumble.  We try to kill them off with poisons and various sprays (which, can be harmful to other things at the same time), we try to choke them out so what we have left is a pristine pallet of the same solid green.

This is probably just my yard, yes?

I found a connection (and a recipe, yay!) between what we think are the bad things, the bad people, the bad events in our lives and the pretty little weed we call a dandelion.

We tend to make snap judgements based on what something looks like.  We think if something looks beautiful, it won’t make us bleed and weep, like our lovely rose.  We think because something looks beautiful, it won’t kill us, for example like the lush Oleander or the Angel’s Trumpet, which are deadly.

I think we tend to forget that some things and people, not commonly called or labeled beautiful–have much to offer this world than we give them credit for–or even a chance.

What have you over looked in your world around you?  Can you take a hated old weed like a dandelion and make something beautiful from it like bread or a crown?  Can you look at the scrubby old widower with more than just pity and go befriend and encourage him?  Can we make our world better simply by skipping the snap judgements solely based on appearance?

1 Samuel 16:7 “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Don’t judge by his appearance or height … The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them.  People judge by outward appearance, but The Lord looks at the
heart.’ “

And without further ado … here is the recipe!  Enjoy!

Dandelion Bread


  1. 2 cups flour
  2. 2 teaspoons baking powder
  3. 12 teaspoon salt
  4. 1 cup dandelion flowers
  5. 14 cup canola oil
  6. 4 tablespoons honey
  7. 1 egg


  1. Combine dry ingredients in large bowl, including petals & make sure to separate clumps of petals.
  2. In a separate bowl mix together milk, honey, oil & beat in egg.
  3. Add liquid to dry mix. Batter should be fairly wet & lumpy.
  4. Pour into buttered bread tin or muffin tin.
  5. Bake 400* muffins (12) 20-25 min, bread 25-30 min or until done.

What is a “dandelion” in your life–a seemingly negative circumstance or relationship? What can you do to discover the beauty in it?

About Lindsey

is from the northern woods of Wisconsin where she lives a quiet life working as a medical editor. Highlights in life are family, books, writing, and especially a relationship with her Creator.

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