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Daily Dose Of Joy Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Remember the last time you were truly happy and filled with joy?

There was a time I kept a list of things in life that brought me joy.  When did I stop adding to that list?  More importantly, why did I stop?  There was a time that I would sit quietly (back before children and a real job) and write all the things that brought me happiness.  I named it My Simple Pleasures.  I would run out of things and start asking the people around me.  I learned that noticing joy can be contagious as I had others helping me.

It seemed so much easier when I was younger!

What happens to us that we stop really seeing the joy in life?  The world is tough with the pressure of business, the pressures of work and bills, the pressures of family … life keeps us running.  The responsibilities we have as adults can be heavy and serious, but today I ask that we slow down, even if for 5 minutes and look around at where we are and let us see the goodness of the Lord. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”

It is so true!  Life is short.  We are here for a blink and then we are gone.  Don’t let the gifts God has given you slip by without really seeing them.  Ask Him to help you find joy, we need His strength.

Don’t let the worries of life rob you of joy.

Slow down today and find something that triggers a tear of happiness, something that tugs at your heart.   Make your list … your children or grandchildren, homemade bread straight from the oven, the smell of fresh cut grass in the summer time, sunshine on your face, or your rascal pets stealing your slippers and making you laugh.  There are simple pleasure and smiles all around just waiting for us to notice.

Tell me what you see!  What brings you joy today?

For those of you who are still grumbling, I can hear you!  Here’s something to make you smile.


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  1. One of my simple joy is frequently seeing my baby nephew in one of his joyous moments…laughing, jumping, and ga-ga-gooing 🙂

    PS: That little dog in the video is too cute!

  2. Awww, thanks Amelia. I have so many simple pleasures, could go on and on. Onions and garlic frying, white sand beaches in the summer time (Madeline Island), my girls giggling, sleeping in, or getting up early to spend time with God, long lost friends, good books …. I could go on and on! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! (hugs girly)

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