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Do Not Fear Sickness, But Proclaim His Truth

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads from one place to another throughout the world, the OMF missionary Aril Varosky shares with me the strategy of having peace of God during the unknown situation. 

Each morning, cover you and your loved one with the blood of Jesus Chris by proclaiming His promise through Jesus Christ. God’s word brings faith. And God’s blessing comes through faith. 

Each night, pray Psalms 91 for yourself and your loved ones. God gives us a strategy of using Psalm 91 to fight against COVID-19. You can proclaim God’s truth by faith and bring down His blessing to yourself and your family. 

Avril said she always prays to God for strategy to pray. God often gives her bible verses to bless or fight.

When God touches our heart to pray, it’s the time God wants to execute His will on earth through our prayer. Praying in the spirit is moved by the Holy Spirit, not from the intellectual mind. Therefore, you do not need to worry how God will do it; instead, pray by faith according to His promises.  

God’s gentle but firm voice affirms each praying saint: don’t look down upon your prayer. You are God’s important channel to convey His power to others through your prayer. The prayer may be unheard by people, but its effect is real as invisible wind blows on objects. God is using our prayer. Don’t doubt your privilege of praying to Father God by Satan’s lie which tells you prayer is doing nothing. 

Remember God’s promise:

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3) 

You may pray with Psalm 91: Abba Father, I (or someone’s name) dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. You will rescue me, protect me, for I love you and acknowledge your name. I call on you and you will answer him; you will be with me in trouble, and deliver me and honor me. In Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.


About Manling Chen

Manling was born and grew up in Taiwan. She came with her husband and 2-year-old son to New York, NY, at age 30 to fulfill her dream of studying in the graduate school. She received a black belt in Taekwendo at age 40 and has been applying the Bible truth and discipline learned in the martial art to fight in her faith as a spiritual warrior. She works with God to write and is currently a freelance reporter for a national Chinese newspaper and writer based in Minnesota. Much of her writing is in the areas of spiritual learning, Bible study, parenting, education, Sunday school, opinions, interviews, and people's stories, etc.

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